July 18, 2024. CLE three hour audio video presentation entitled: Recent Intellectual Property Developments in the United States Federal Courts. Ms. Naumann was the sole author and presenter with production and sponsorship by ApexCLE, Inc. in Mount Prospect, Illinois. This audio and video presentation and 163 slide power point addressed a selection of 2023-2024 intellectual property federal appellate court decisions as well as U.S. Supreme Court intellectual property decisions from August 2023 through July 2024.
May 14, 2024. Oral/visual presentation and eight page outline handout entitled: Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence for Attorneys. Presented virtually to North Shore Law, a women’s attorney group in the Chicago, Illinois metropolitan area.
- August 2023. “Intellectual Property Developments in the United States Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Courts.” Ms. Naumann was the sole author and presenter for this CLE accredited presentation which was sponsored and produced by ApexCLE, Inc. This three-hour presentation and power point addressed federal patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret decisions from August 2022 through June 2023.
July 29, 2022. One hour podcast interview with questions by Mr. Steven Leahy, Esq. addressing intellectual property. The Trust Radio Network, sponsored by Open Tax Advocates, Radio AM 560.
July 11, 2022. Accredited 90-minute videotaped presentation through continuing legal education company ApexCLE Inc. The presentation is entitled “Recent Developments in Biomedical IP Law.” It covers selected federal appellate court decisions from 2021 through 2022 addressing inventions in the pharmaceutical, bioengineering and medical device industries. This presentation and associated power point are commercially distributed to end users’ electronic devices.
June 14, 2021. Accredited sixty-minute videotaped presentation through continuing legal education company ApexCLE,Inc. “Patent Eligible subject Matter 2020-2021.” This presentation and associated power point are commercially distributed to end users’ electronic devices.
- June 22, 2020. Ms. Naumann’s two hour videotaped in person presentation entitled “Recent United States Federal Intellectual Property Developments 2019-2020” with a 137 slide power point. The presentation is (i) accredited for continuing legal education credits and (ii) is produced and directed through ApexCLE, Inc. in Mt. Prospect, Illinois.
- April 2, 2019. Ninety minute presentation through continuing legal education company Pincus Communications, Inc. This presentation includes a videotaped continuing legal education power point entitled “United States Federal Intellectual Property Developments 2018-2019.”
- July 2, 2018. Eighty minute ApexCLE presentation in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Videotaped continuing legal education presentation entitled “Changes in U.S. Intellectual Property Law 2017-2018.”
- November 18, 2017. One hour presentation entitled “Basic Contract Law in the United States” for the Levy Entrepreneurs Group, Skokie, Illinois. This presentation included a question and answer session on related contract inquiries.
- June 27, 2017 ApexCLE videotaping in Mount Prospect, Illinois of presentation “entitled 2016-2017 U.S. Supreme Court Intellectual Property Review.” The presentation is distributed for continuing legal education credits through mobile devices.
- November 23, 2015 Apex CLE videotaping in Mount Prospect, Illinois of presentation entitled “Recent Changes in United States Intellectual Property Law.” The presentation is distributed for continuing legal education credits through mobile devices.
- March 25, 2015. North Shore Law and Chicago Title & Trust, Skokie, Illinois. Participant of Continuing Legal Education in person presentation entitled “Intellectual Property in 2015.” One-hour presentation on current United States copyright and trade secret law.
- August 6, 2014. Ninety minute live webinar broadcast produced by Pincus Communications and entitled “2014 Changes in Intellectual Property Law You Can’t Overlook.” The webinar includes review of (i) proposed legislative changes to the United States patent statute and (ii) U.S. Supreme Court decisions addressing patents and copyright.
- May 28, 2014. Masters Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Hour panel presentation of proposed changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and with focus upon Rule 26(b) (1) and Rule 37.
- April 28, 2014 ApexCLE, Inc. videotaping in Mount Prospect, Illinois, of ninety minutes presentation entitled “2013-2014 Significant Changes to United States Intellectual Property Law.” Distribution for continuing legal education credits through mobile applications, websites and DVDs.
- November 9, 2013. Levy Entrepreneur Group. “Introduction to Proposed Final SEC Regulations Implementing Title III of the JOBS Act.”
- April 15, 2013. Seventh Circuit e-Discovery Pilot Committee and Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois. Member of panel on “Electronic discovery with limited resources,” specifically addressing e-discovery for limited resource litigants. Webinar and videotaped panel presentation.
- February 26, 2013 ApexCLE, Inc. videotaping in Mount Prospect, Illinois of a presentation entitled “Critical Changes in United States Patent Law.” The presentation is distributed for continuing legal education credits by mobile applications, websites and DVDs.
- February 21, 2013. Pincus Professional Education, Chicago, Illinois. Continuing Legal Education Program, “E-Discovery in 2013: What Attorneys Need to Know, Current E-Discovery Case Law, Protocols and Standing Orders.”
- October 4, 2012. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois. Interprofessional Projects Program, “Introducing to Patentable Improvements of Consumer Products.” This presentation comprises a revised power point addressing recognition and evaluation of patentable modifications to products.
- June 9, 2012. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Black Inventors Association, ” Intellectual Property Tips for your Business.” This presentation focuses upon non-technical patent, trade secret and copyright information of which business people should be aware to grow and preserve their assets.
- March 28, 2012. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, Interprofessional Projects Program, “Introduction to Patentable Improvements of Consumer Products.” This updated presentation focuses upon recognition and evaluation of modifications to existing products that qualify for intellectual property protection. The audience was faculty and a specific undergraduate group.
- March 10, 2012. Levy Entrepreneur Group, Skokie, Illinois. “Intellectual Property Discussion Panel.” This presentation focused upon (i) America Invents Act with recommended strategies for patent protection under this new patent law; and (ii) an overview of current trademark use and protection in the United States.
- March 6, 2012. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, Interprofessional Projects Program, “Introduction to Patentable Improvements of Consumer Products.” This updated presentation focuses upon recognition and evaluation of modifications to existing products that qualify for intellectual property protection.
- December 10, 2011. Chicago Black Inventors Association, Chicago, Illinois. “Practical Intellectual Property Practices for Business People.” Presentation focuses upon patent, trade secret and copyright tips of which business people should be aware to grow and preserve their businesses.
- March 12, 2011. Chicago Black Inventors Association, Chicago, Illinois. Question and Answer session for intellectual property topics.
- September 7, 2010. Illinois Institute of Technology, Interprofessional Projects Program. “Introduction to Patentable Improvements of Consumer Products: Case Studies.” Presentation focuses upon recognition and evaluation of modifications to existing products that qualify for intellectual property protection.
- June 19, 2010. Levy Entrepreneur Group, Skokie, Illinois.”Intellectual Property Discussion Panel.” Presentation includes (i) overview of changes in patent protection since 1989, (ii) five intellectual property pitfalls for business and (iii) options for explanation of an invention to patent examiners.
- March 20, 2010. Mr. Randall Hunt, Sponsor, Fosco Park, Chicago, Illinois.” An Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property Platform.” Presentation provides ten cost-effective recommendations for maintaining and protecting intellectual property in small businesses.
- January 26, 2010. Chicago Bar Association, Intellectual Property Committee, Chicago, Illinois. “The Significance of In re Bilski for Non-Patent Practitioners and Business Leaders.” Presentation reviews the history and current legal status of business method patents as well as patent eligibility for processes generically.
- July 18, 2009. Levy Entrepreneur Group, Skokie, Illinois. Interactive presentation addressing “Status of Patent Eligibility Requirements for Business Methods.”
- January 10, 2009. Levy Entrepreneur Group, Skokie, Illinois. Interactive presentation addressing” Investor Requirements for a Patent Pending Kabob Generating Attachment.”
- August 9, 2008. Levy Entrepreneur Group, Skokie, Illinois. Presentation addressing “Intellectual Property Protection that Increases Profitability” (how Ms. Naumann implemented Prospan Manufacturing Company’s intellectual property protection economically and effectively).
- July 12, 2008. Levy Entrepreneur Group, Skokie, Illinois. Presentation addressing “Patentable Subject Matter” (focus upon history of computer related patentable processes and the business method patent controversy).
- February 28, 2008, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, Illinois. Women Attorneys in Intellectual Property Round Table Presentation: “Recommendations for Conducting Telephone Conferences with Patent Examiners” (focus upon requirements for the written record, role of the examiner and the examiner’s supervisor, the initial appeal conference, and negotiating during the telephone conference).
- October 12, 2007, Chicago Bar Association, Continuing Legal Education Program. Power point presentation for: The Continuing Controversy over Computer Related Inventions” (focus upon patentable subject matter and enablement when drafting utility patent applications for computer related inventions).
- September 15, 2007, Levy Entrepreneur Group, Skokie, Illinois. Presentation for “Current Patent Related Events about Which Small Business Owners Should be Aware.”
- August 15, 2007, McAndrews Held & Malloy, Chicago, Illinois. Power point presentation for “The Continuing Controversy over Computer Related Inventions” (focus upon patentable subject matter and enablement when drafting utility patent applications for computer related inventions).
- June 19, 2007, Computer Law Committee, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois. Power point presentation for “The Continuing Controversy over Computer Related Inventions” (focus upon patentable subject matter and enablement when drafting patent applications for computer related inventions).
- May 26, 2006, Biological Sciences Division, Association for Postdoctoral Fellows, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Power point presentation for “Protection of Intellectual Property” (focus upon biological deposit requirements and nucleic acid and protein sequence listings).
- May 8, 2006, Department of Computer Sciences Faculty, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois. Power point presentation for “Intellectual Property for Computer Personnel and Businesses” (focus upon drafting computer related patent applications).
- February 15, 2006, Small Business Development Center, Technology Innovation Center, Evanston, Illinois. Power point presentation for “Protection of Intellectual Property” (introduction to practical aspects of patent, trade secret and copyright protection).