- Author, Adrienne B. Naumann. UNITED STATES FEDERAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS 2018-2019. Copyright 2019 Pincus Professional Education. This book includes judicial decisions under the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act as well as United States Supreme Court intellectual property decisions.
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Biotech Patent Wars: “If at first you don’t succeed… University of California v. The Broad Institute,” JOURNAL OF EMERGING ISSUES IN LITIGATION 2:(1) 47 (Winter 2022).
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Loose Lips Sink Ships,” FRIENDLY PASSAGES 2019-2020 pp. 28-32. Friends of the Rupert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County, Florida
- April 2, 2019. Ninety minute presentation through continuing legal education company Pincus Communications, Inc. This presentation includes a videotaped continuing legal education power point entitled “United States Federal Intellectual Property Developments 2018-2019.”
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Don’t Let Your Cat or Trade Secrets Out of the Bag,” FRIENDLY PASSAGES Summer 2018 pp. 24, 27 and 28. Friends of the Rupert J. Smith Law Library in St. Lucie, Florida
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Hit’em Again Harder: Star Athletic, L.L.C., v. Varsity Brands, Inc. et al.,”FRIENDLY PASSAGES, Summer 2017, pp. 13,14,16, 23 and 26, Rupert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County, Florida
- Let the Punishment Fit the Crime: Halo Electronics, Inc. v. Pulse Electronics, Inc., FRIENDLY PASSAGES November/December 2016
- Adrienne B Naumann, Not your Mom’s (trade) Dress: Apple, Inc. v. Samsung Electronics” FRIENDLY PASSAGES, pp. 12-14, 25, January/February 2016, Rupert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County, Florida
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “I’m Seeing Red!” FRIENDLY PASSAGES, pp. 18-19, September/October 2015, Rupert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County, Florida
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “The Theory of Everything Part 3” FRIENDLY PASSAGES, pp. 18-21, July/August 2015, Rupert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County, Florida
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “The Theory of Everything, Part 2,” FRIENDLY PASSAGES, pp. 10-13, March/April 2015, Rupert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County, Florida
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Gimme What You Got,” THE JOURNAL OF HEARTLAND ANGELS 32 (February 2015)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Theory of Everything: Intellectual Property Part One,” FRIENDLY PASSAGES, pp. 12-15 January/February 2015, Rupert J. Smith Law Library of St. Lucie County, Florida
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Nice While It Lasted: The Demise of Business Method Patents,” FRIENDLY PASSAGES, November/December 2014
- Adrienne Naumann, “Micro Entity Advantage,” THE JOURNAL OF THE HEARTLAND ANGELS 25-26 (May 2014)
- A. Naumann, “Early Detection of Breast Cancer with No Radiation!”, February 20, 2010
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Patentable Subject Matter within the Scope of 35 U.S.C. section 101, ” PROTECTIVE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SERVICES NEWSLETTER, July 2007
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Antitrust Implications for Patented Genes and Nanotechnologies: A Review of Illinois Tool Works v. Independent Ink, Inc.” 126 S. Ct. 1281 (2006), THE HUMAN FUTURE, July 2006
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “An Analysis of In re Dane Fisher and Raghunath v. Lalgudi and its Implications for the Patentability of Future Claimed Expressed Sequence Tags, “THE HUMAN FUTURE, April 2006
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Microbial Recombinant Cloning Vehicle: Patent Validity under 35 U.S.C. section 103,” HOSPITAL LAW 22:8 pp. 251-255 (August 1989)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, Illinois General Assembly, Legislative Research Unit, RESEARCH RESPONSE “Using DNA Testing to Identify Criminals” (March 13, 1989)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, Illinois General Assembly, Legislative Research Unit, “Plans Accelerate for Superconducting Super Collider,” FIRST READING Volume 3:9, pp. 1, 2 (October 1988)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, Illinois General Assembly, Legislative Research Unit “Genetic Engineering Has Big Potential in Illinois,” FIRST READING 3: 8, pp. 1, 4 and 5 (September 1988)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Pre-marketing and Research Requirements of Bioengineered Drugs and Biologics, “HOSPITAL LAW 21:4 pp. 73-87 (April 1988)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, ” Amgen Corporation v. Cetus: Preliminary Analysis of Nonobviousness, “HOSPITAL LAW 20:8 pp. 130-35 (August 1987)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Biotechnology: Recent Developments in Patent Law,” HOSPITAL LAW, 20:2 pp. 17-21 (February 1987)
- Adrienne B. Naumann, “Federal regulation of Recombinant DNA Technology: Time for a Change,” 1986 HIGH TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 1:1 pp. 61-98 (Spring 1986) (Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley)